About me

I'm Max! Also known as Tsunami014!

Tsunami fox HEHE >:)

Software engineer | AI | programmer | Open Source

Hi! I'm Max, the renound maker of Blaze Sudios and friends with @Stimbix and @Imzafish! I make things with code. They're really cool things.

My coding languages

I can code in:

  • Python
  • I can also code in (not as well, but still good):

  • C++ (Arduino)
  • Java
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • HTML&CSS (not a PROGRAMMING language, It's technically a markup language)
  • And I can code in any other coding language too as the internet exists

    I also like Wings of Fire, dragons in general, doggos, foxes and lots of documentation (although unfortunately lots of docs means lots of time spent writing docs, so whether or not I get up to it is a mystery)

    I also like it when the code ACTUALLY WORKS and I think the BEST part of coding is when you FINALLY find that stupid bug that has been annoying you for AAGES and your code FINALLY WORKS 😊 (Like when I was making this 😅)

    And my dæmon's name is Grapefruit and she's a snowy-white fox 🦊 :)

    I also work on things a LOT and have VERY regular commits 😳